Activity 4.3: From training to learning

 Timing: Allow 120 minutes for this activity


Part 1

Return to your reflective notes on TNAs from Activity 4.2. If you used the text box, your notes will show below.

You haven’t entered anything for this space. Use the ‘Original location’ link if you’d like to enter something now.

Write down the ways in which doing an LNA (learning needs analysis) might be different from doing a TNA (training needs analysis). In what ways might your choice of delivery method, your approach to evaluation or your approach to stakeholder engagement change if the focus is on learning rather than training? Note down the implications of any differences for the following:

  • a.your role as an HRD professional
  • b.the organisational members whose learning needs you are assessing
  • c.the organisation.

Part 2

When you have done this, go to your tutor group forum  (TGF), where your tutor will have started a thread for this activity. Post your own suggestions for potential differences between a TNA and an LNA approach, and any implications for HRD strategy. You should also read the postings made by other members of your tutor group and try to respond to at least one of these.

Your tutor will provide feedback for this activity in your TGF.